The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek
— Joseph Campbell


Even though change is at the heart of all coaching, every coaching engagement is unique. Clients come to coaching with a goal in mind: executive presence, a new job, greater emotional intelligence. They expect to move from Point A to Point B. Traditional coaches follow models that create more options and better outcomes for clients in the short term. 


PLUS: Vertical Development

I follow the principles of Integral Coaching and focus instead on generating long term excellence, self-correction, and self-generation for the client. I believe that the purpose of coaching is to set you free, and on the path of who you were meant to be. 


In our journey together, you will experience vertical development which leaves you empowered not simply to achieve your short term goals but also inspired to achieve your maximum personal and professional potential. This journey will encompass an approach that brings together all elements needed for personal growth: cognitive, emotional, physical, and spiritual.  


Your mission, should you choose to accept it…


Adult development takes time. Instead of responding instinctively to events, you learn new, conscious responses that empower you. A typical engagement, therefore, lasts six months with twelve bi-weekly sessions. It starts with an initial discussion that creates self-awareness and leads to a personalized coaching development plan. You will be guided through the journey of personal transformation through practices and exercises between sessions. You will experience a new way of being in the world – not simply the treasure you were seeking initially. As Luke Skywalker learned: what is in the cave is only what you take with you.

What we know matters, but who we are matters more!
— Brene Brown

Joseph Campbell’s The Hero’s Journey represents the grand story that humanity keeps telling and living, over and over.

Joseph Campbell’s The Hero’s Journey represents the grand story that humanity keeps telling and living, over and over.